Odessa Port Plant increases supplies to the domestic market

Spring field works in Ukraine are gradually gaining momentum, and Odessa Port Plant is taking advantage of the favorable market environment.

According to the company’s press-release, the plant is increasing the supply of carbamide to the domestic market of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the year, Odessa Port Plant has shipped 16.5 thousand tons of carbamide and 500 tons of ammonia by road, and 10 thousand tons of ammonia by railway.

High results in the shipment of products to the domestic market were achieved due to cooperated and well-organized work of all departments involved in the shipment process.

“It’s impossible to mark this direction of work by the type of activity of a separate workshop or department. This is a set of measures of many divisions of the enterprise, and each plays its own important role,” noted Vadim Minzhirian, Director for Logistics and Sales of Odessa Port Plant.

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