Cherkasy Azot increased production of carbamide-ammonium mixture by 81%

In January-November 2019, Cherkasy Azot (part of Ostchem) produced some 417.5 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate, 557.2 thousand tons of urea, 438.1 thousand tons of carbamide-ammonium mixture, and 738.7 thousand tons ammonia.

In 2018, it produced 550.8 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate, 446.9 thousand tons of urea, 256.6 thousand tons of carbamide-ammonium mixture, and some 39.3 thousand tons of ammonia.

“In 2019, we achieved almost 100% loading of our production capacities. The growth in production volumes by the end of the year will be about 10%,” noted Vitaliy Skliarov, the Chairman of the company’s Board.

Among the main growth factors, the company indicates the antidumping measures of the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade of Ukraine regarding the supply of fertilizers from the Russian Federation.

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