Kemerovo region farmers in 2022 plan to increase the purchase of mineral fertilizers by 45%

Farmers and agricultural enterprises of the Kemerovo region are gaining momentum in preparing for the sowing campaign. They are currently purchasing mineral fertilizers.

As of January 31, they signed contracts for the supply of 27.3 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers, and 12.5 thousand tons were accumulated for use during the spring fieldwork in 2022 (mainly carbamide-ammoniac compound, liquid ammonia and NPK).

“Farmers plan to purchase 117 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers, which exceeds the level of last year by 45%. We annually aim at increasing their use, since mineral fertilizers are safe for products and help to increase the efficiency of the crop industry as a whole, along with improving the quality of the seeds used, updating agricultural equipment and increasing the sown area,” said Andrey Aritkulov, the Minister of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kemerovo region.

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