Verde AgriTech launched a new plant in Brazil

The Brazilian company Verde AgriTech has opened a new Super Greensand fertilizer plant in Brazil. It will produce up to 1.2 million tons of this product per year.

Verde AgriTech currently operates a plant in Brazil with a capacity of 0.6 million tons. As a result, the company intends to increase Super Greensand production to almost 2 million tons per year.

Verde AgriTech does not disclose the composition of Super Greensand. Apparently, it’s a mineral fertilizer based on glauconite — a hydrous aluminosilicate of iron, silicon and potassium. Glauconite dissolves easily and therefore can be used as an alternative to potassium chloride.

Brazil is the first country in the world in terms of consumption of potassium fertilizers and the second in terms of their imports, purchasing 96% of domestic demand from abroad. In 2021, the consumption of potassium fertilizers in Brazil reached 7.9 million tons, while in 2020 — 2.7 million tons.

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