The scientists of Komi will process phosphorites into fertilizers

Scientists of the Institute of Biology of Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences together with colleagues from the Vyatka State University studied the production of complex fertilizers based on phosphorites of the Vyatka-Kama deposit.
Experts have developed a technology for processing phosphorites into complex fertilizers that contain phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and various micronutrient elements necessary for soil.
“According to our studies, phosphorites from the Vyatka-Kama deposit are quite suitable raw materials for the production of such fertilizers. These phosphorites in the form of phosphate rock are characterized by a relatively high content of phosphorus available to plants, the presence of glauconite, as well as low content of cadmium and other toxic elements. Both phosphorites and glauconites are of agrochemical value. Previously, only phosphorites were extracted from the ore, and glauconite was dumped into the tailing dump,” said Professor Tamara Ashikhmina.
Source: BNKomi

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