IFA awarded PhosAgro for great sustainability

International Fertilizer Association (IFA) has confirmed PhosAgro’s status as an industry champion for responsible and sustainable operations. The first time the company received this award was in 2019.

IFA assigns a champion status to companies that have proved their compliance with Protect & Sustain (P&S) initiative and are actively involved in IFA research on safety, environment, energy efficiency, and carbon footprint. This award confirms the commitment of companies to continuous improvement, transparency, and the application of the best solutions in the field of energy efficiency and resource conservation, labor and environmental protection, and testifies to the creation of the best corporate policy in these areas.

“We will continue to follow a responsible approach to the organization and conduct of production activities and introduce the best available technologies. As of today, all production sites of the company meet the most stringent modern requirements of environmental legislation. PhosAgro annually spends over 8 million rubles (over $100 thousand) on environmental protection,” noted PhosAgro CEO Andrey Guryev. “The company’s priority is to ensure industrial safety and labor protection principles, creating comfortable working conditions for our employees.”

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